Illustrated by the author

Published by Allen & Unwin, 2020
I have always approached Armin Greder’s work with fear, trepidation and respect.
I have also struggled with the categorisation of his illustrated works as picture books. But, there they are, for all to borrow in the children’s section of the library.
For me, the art is confronting and powerful as Greder tackles complex issues like separatism, repression, exploitation, war, conflict, slavery and the plight of refugees.
Apart from a few paragraphs of dialogue at the beginning and end of Diamonds, the main story is told without words. It is the compelling, razor sharp dialogue between mother and daughter, however, that raises the hairs on my arms.
I have diamonds in my engagement ring. Have I ever wondered where they came from? No. Have I ever asked about which country in the world they were mined or whether the labourers were treated well and fairly paid? No. Would I buy diamonds again or have them bought for me? Not without asking a few questions about provenance and whether the process of the diamonds’ manufacture was without conflict. Could I ever really be sure of the answers?
In this picture book, Gerder has revealed the complex chain of exchange from impoverished mine worker to armed militia to anonymous men in black suits and dark limousines with briefcases full of money, to jewellery makers…ending up eventually in elegant boutiques where a thoughtful purchase of diamond earrings for a beloved partner is transacted in quiet, plush, genteel surroundings.
The story makes me think, and I am left feeling uncomfortable and prodded. There is an afterword by journalist Francesco Boille at the end of the book and a statement by Riccardo Noury, representing Amnesty International Italy. As well, there are two magnificent quotes by past statesmen, Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy.
I encourage you to read this picture book and share it with young readers who are over 8 years old. Below I have recommended other picture books that deal with confronting issues such as racism, war and repression as well as books about brave people (fictional and real) who have deviated from the well-travelled path:

by Malala Yousafzai
Illustrated by Kerascoet

Illustrated by Chris Raschka

Illustrated by Elizabeth Baddeley

by Todd Parr

by Innosanto Nagara

by Armin Greder

by Kate and Jol Temple
Illustrated by Terri Rose Baynton