Illustrated by Tannya Harricks

Published by Walker Books, NSW, 2020
Magpies and kookaburras are my favourite birds. Why?
Because they sing!
There is something about their song that brings me joy, knowing that they are calling to one another, conversing and living in their environments and following the familiar rhythms of the seasons.
This picture book about kookaburras has been beautifully illustrated by Tannya Harricks using oil paints. You just want to touch the pages, because the medium is so tactile even on glossy paper. Deep green gum leaves, rough brown tree bark, fanned feathers and brilliant blue sky all combine to place you right in the middle of the Australian bush.
The text is simple, but informative too. With almost poetic language, we follow the life of a kookaburra and her mate, as they search for food, find a nest, defend their territory and lay eggs. Accompanying the story, each page has italicised text with extra facts about kookaburras, explaining in more detail why the birds behave as they do, how they choose a nest, how they defend their territory and what they like to eat.
At the end of the book, there is more information for older readers about where you would find kookaburras in Australia, how many species there are and how long it takes for baby kookaburras (chicks) to mature and leave the nest.
I can highly recommend this picture book for children 2-8 years and all bird enthusiasts. Below are more suggestions for picture books about kookaburras:

by Rebecca Johnson
Illustrated by Steve Parish

by Bridget Farmer

by Laura and Philip Bunting

by Eva-Marie Welsh

by Michael Torres
Illustrated by Fern Martins

by Gregg Dreise

Illustrated by Danny Snell

by Sally Morgan
Illustrated by
Ambelin Kwaymullina

Ezekiel Kwaymullina
and Sally Morgan