Illustrated by Britta Teckentrup

Published by Little Tiger Kids, Great Britain, 2020
“All of us need a place to rest –
A cave, a warren, a pond, a nest…
Wherever we may choose to roam,
We need a place to call our home.”
Writing about this picture book today is especially meaningful. A few suburbs away my daughter and her partner are busily packing up boxes and heaving them into a moving truck which will take all their belongings and hopes for the future to a new home. It will be their own home, after years of renting and the excitement of this new phase in their lives, along with the responsibility of the mortgage, is palpable.
They say that “home is where the heart is” and for myself I feel that this is true. The walls, the roof, the people who inhabit the space, the atmosphere, the belongings, the events, the memorabilia, the warmth, and cosiness…all combine to give us an emotive connection to the space we live in. Whether we are animals or humans, these shelters enable us to thrive, create, and rest.
In this picture book, we meet a family of bears waking up from their winter den hibernation and venturing out into a world that is showing the first signs of spring. Almost all the pages have cut-outs, so you can peek through trees and branches to catch a glimpse of owls, squirrels, and beavers as they go about the business of making their homes. Rabbits in warrens, birds in nests, wolves in dens – this is a wonderful introduction to animals and their homes. Teckentrup’s illustrations vividly bring to life the creativity and wonder of home-making, the place that keeps us safe.
I can highly recommend this picture book for children 2-4 years and below are more suggestions for books which explore the idea of home, whether you are animal or human:

Wendy Anderson Halperin

by Inga Moore

by Janet Morgan Stoeke

Kady MacDonald Denton

by Mary Hoffman
Illustrated by Karin Littlewood

by Ronojoy Ghosh

Green House by Jane Godwin Illustrated by Jane Reiseger

by Eric Carle

by Michael Rosen
Illustrated by Bob Graham